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Grid wars (advance wars prototype) mac os. Abstract : Midnight Commander (MC) is one of the few tools I'm still using since I've been inducted into software engineering more than 10 years ago (for comparison I've changed 5 integrated development environments (IDE) ). MC is classified as 'a visual file manager' but for me is something much more, it's an engineering booster. In fact it's my fist IDE (MCedit supports color highlighting for various programming languages). In short, MC is one of those few things that changes your world. That's why I'm going to show you how you can painlessly integrate MC with Mac OS X bash terminal.
Goal : Configuring Midnight Commander under Mac OS X bash terminal
High Midnight Mac Os X
Acknowledgement : My gratitude goes to the open source community and especially to:
Miguel de Icaza – creator of Midnight Commander, Gnome, Mono, Gnumeric (and I guess other cool stuff)
Let's get started!
Installation: I'm a huge fan of homebrew (thanks Max!) and I advise you to install it and work with it. In short, Homebrew is 'the missing package manager for OS X'. Installing Homebrew is as easy as running the following command in the terminal prompt:
Once you have Homebrew, installing MC is exactly three words:
Side note: You may wish to install bash-completion and take advantage of the Tab key on the terminal prompt. If so, do the following:
… and ensure that your .bash_profile has the following content inside:
Note that you have to perform:
or re-open your terminal for the changes to take effect.
Mac OS X – fixing the shortcuts mess: No, I have no idea why the Apple guys have created such a big mess with the keyboard shortcuts. And yes, it's up to you, my dearest reader, to decide if you want to fix it as I suggest. Here is what I've done so that I can use my Functional keys (the F keys):
Go to:
… and make sure you have All controls checked
The whispering meadow mac os. After that go to:
… and make sure you have Use all F1, F2 etc. keys as standard function keys checked
Next open a Terminal and go to:
… and make sure you have Use option as meta keyunchecked. Deal of the dead mac os.
Now, every F9 will enable MC menu bar and every F10 button press will exit MC (instead of doing a complex fingers split which may not work but which will certainly hurt your hand).
Playing with MC shortcuts: What about the cool MC shortcuts? Before I present you with some of the shortcuts mapping you should be aware that pressing two times the Esc button will close any MC pop-up or search box, and that there are three types of shortcuts:
- Pressing (and releasing) Esc and then pressing another key
- Pressing and holding Ctrl and then pressing another key
- Using the Functional key
Here are some mappings:
Keeping working directory after exiting MC: Now, I find this MC feature really cool but of course it's up to you to decide if you want to enabled it or not. In case you want, make sure you have the following (or similar, depending on the midnight commander version) line in your .bash_profile:
Note that you have to perform:
or re-open your terminal for the changes to take effect.
Is your Mac up to date with the latest version of the Mac operating system? Is it using the version required by a product that you want to use with your Mac? Which versions are earlier (older) or later (newer, more recent)? To find out, learn which version is installed now.
If your macOS isn't up to date, you may be able to update to a later version.
Which macOS version is installed?
From the Apple menu in the corner of your screen, choose About This Mac. You should see the macOS name, such as macOS Big Sur, followed by its version number. If you need to know the build number as well, click the version number to see it.
Which macOS version is the latest?
These are all Mac operating systems, starting with the most recent. When a major new macOS is released, it gets a new name, such as macOS Big Sur. As updates that change the macOS version number become available, this article is updated to show the latest version of that macOS.
If your Mac is using an earlier version of any Mac operating system, you should install the latest Apple software updates, which can include important security updates and updates for the apps that are installed by macOS, such as Safari, Books, Messages, Mail, Music, Calendar, and Photos.
Mac Os High Sierra
macOS | Latest version |
macOS Big Sur | 11.3 |
macOS Catalina | 10.15.7 |
macOS Mojave | 10.14.6 |
macOS High Sierra | 10.13.6 |
macOS Sierra | 10.12.6 |
OS X El Capitan | 10.11.6 |
OS X Yosemite | 10.10.5 |
OS X Mavericks | 10.9.5 |
OS X Mountain Lion | 10.8.5 |
OS X Lion | 10.7.5 |
Mac OS X Snow Leopard | 10.6.8 |
Mac OS X Leopard | 10.5.8 |
Mac OS X Tiger | 10.4.11 |
Mac OS X Panther | 10.3.9 |
Mac OS X Jaguar | 10.2.8 |
Mac OS X Puma | 10.1.5 |
Mac OS X Cheetah | 10.0.4 |